Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Mona Lisa Overdrive - William Gibson

The third in the Sprawl Trilogy. Angela Mitchell is now a famous Stim star but Bobby Newmark her constant companion has gone missing. She can find him in the matrix, but doesn’t know where his body is.

Mona is a prostitute with an uncanny resemblance to Angela. Her pimp sells her to a plastic surgeon to complete the transformation. Somebody wants to give the impression that the real Angie is dead, but needs to provide a body.

Sally Shears is in London where she meets Kumiko Yanaka, daughter of a Yakuza boss who has been sent there for her protection. Sally has been hired to abduct Angela and murder Mona.

Gentry a console cowboy who’s sole purpose in life is to find ‘the shape’ of the matrix and Slick Henry, an ex con who can built amazing robots, live at The Factory. Slick owes Kid Africa a favour and when he turns up at ‘The Factory’ he agrees to hide a body that is wired up to a grey box, a body referred to as “The Count”. Slick is forced to jack into the grey box to find out who The Count is. Count Zero, Bobby Newmark, has stolen the Aleph (grey box) that he is wired up to in his bid to find out what started ‘The Change’ in the matrix, but it is a construct that is separate to the matrix, and also houses the personality file of 3Jane who killed her own father, destroyed Tessier Ashpool and holds the secrets of Sally’s past and wants her dead.

The storyline builds up to the final showdown at The Factory where it turns out that Sally Shears is Neuromancer’s razor girl Molly, who decides to save Mona and Angela and makes a deal to have her shameful past erased.

Immensely enjoyable and a great finale to the trilogy, but yet again there was a thread of storyline which I felt was pointless in achieving the overall result (Kumiko).

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